
For Zack Snyder’s Justice League Cut

Release The Snyder Cut by Planet G

Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first. The trust part comes later.”

After the release of Batman v Superman something incredible happened across social media, a new family was given birth. On a medium often criticised for pulling people down and bringing out the worst in each other, it has been enlightening to spend so much time with so many people I would never have ever been able to know. This is a global family made up of all ages, genders, races, and social conditions. I know this because I’m part of the family. I live in Australia. I’m a young adult, Anglo-Saxon male, and I’m part of a family that loves Man of Steel and Batman v Superman. It binds us together and expands our own world view through the foundation laid by Zack Snyder and his team.

It’s said that we identify with people who remind us of ourselves. I’m not pennyless, nor an orphan, nor an immigrant, nor do I have world altering gifts. But I see myself in Zack Snyder’s Superman. Through Clark’s journey over 2 films I found myself completely drawn in to his life, tearing up at his birth in the hands of Jor-El, when he was outmatched in Smallville, or pulled into Jon Kent’s embrace and given the gift of love “you are my son”. His death at the end of Batman v Superman broke my heart, but broke it in a way that was uplifting. When the dirt rose off his coffin, soon after seeing Bruce and Diana commit to being better people, a tear ran down my eye. This was inspiring. This is the great gift that Zack has given to many. Zack has reminded us that faith in each other is the greatest gift of all, that is Jor-Els best of both worlds, faith and hope. That faith in each other brings hope to create “a better world than ours”.

And that’s where we’re at now. The global family that Zack created, us, have faith in each other, and that brings the hope. We believe that Clark’s story doesn’t finish in the grave, that the world needs Superman. That the world needs to see Clark celebrated by everyone. Superman, who took the weight of the world on his shoulders as only he could, can now be celebrated by those that love him.

To Warner Brothers, we have been your greatest supporters over the last 4 years, we have been your voice even when we didn’t hear yours. Zack Snyder has heard and regularly engages with us, even as simply as posting a set photo. We have supported all your movies, whether by going to the cinema where we may otherwise not have, or by helping persuade others to see your films. We feel as though Zack’s vision has not been delivered, that much you will agree. We can not even imagine how Zack must feel himself to have poured 7 years of his life into this story only to have it altered twice (BvS theatrically) and then to be completely removed (this is the reality) halfway through the film making process of Justice League.

Warner Brothers, don’t lose us, make this right and you will be rewarded ten times over.
