
For Zack Snyder’s Justice League Cut

Justice for Zack by Davide Garelli.

Before talking about the Justice League, I want to talk about Zack Snyder.
Snyder is not just a director, he is an artist.
Raised with the passion of painting, thanks to his mother, a passion that accompanies him even now is shown in his movies.
Zack paints his films, visually spectacular but, like a painting, full of meanings to be discovered.
Just think of Sucker Punch. An impressive film on a visual level but with a rich plot of nuances. A vision is not enough, one must immerse oneself in order to grasp the parable of life.Despite the wickedness, injustice and abuse must always fight, never lose hope is above all have the awareness that we have the key to our destiny. This is to make it clear that the complete director is Snyder.
Now the path to the Justice League begins.
Start with Man of Steel. Here Zack presents us with the birth of his Superman, an immigrant, an alien who is afraid of revealing himself in a world that lives in distrust and fear of the different.A Superman who decides to show himself to save the world that frightens him.
In BvS Zack exceeds himself by showing the consequences of MoS. Superman has revealed himself, but has divided the world between those who venerate him and those who fear him.
In this film we know a new Batman, a tired, rabid Batman and above all a Batman who has lost confidence, in my opinion, in justice. BvS is a film with a complex plot full of plots and nuances.
A masterpiece that has many wonderful scenes inside it. I have two favorites. In the first we find Superman who, after talking with Lois is aware of having to fight Batman, says “A masterpiece that has many wonderful scenes inside it. I have two favorites. In the first we find Superman who, after talking with Lois is aware of having to fight Batman, he says “Nobody remains good in this world”. This scene shows how even the purest being can be crushed by evil. The second is the “Martha” scene. Batman is about to kill Superman who begs him to save Martha. This scene is very poetic. Anger, the torment of Batman subsides in front of that name. The name of the mother, the name that led him to become Batman.
With this film we have the fall of Superman, the sacrifice for the world.
Justice League was supposed to be the continuation of this story, the rebirth.The rebirth of Batman who finds hope is the rebirth of Superman that embraces his destiny
But this Justice League never went out.
The WB should allow Zack to complete his work, his journey started with MoS. I’m sure his Justice League would have been spectacular but with a real, engaging storyline, with a real villain with some motivations, And the new heroes would have a richer and deeper background.
In recent months there have been many testimonies of how the Zack version would have been great and was what we expected, we did not want bad outlines and easy jokes, we wanted the continuation of Zack’s story.
For me Justice League never came out, I still have a trailer for a movie I did not see at the cinema.
Fans want justice, especially for Zack who spent four years painting a wonderful canvas, rich in textures and characters, a canvas has the right to finish.

I hope it goes well.
Good day.
Davide Garelli.