
Why should we all support the release of the Snyder Cut ? by Theo Peron/TheoB0rg

  Disillusion: Disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be.   11/17/17. A terrible date for Superman, for the Justice League, for the DCEU but most of all, a terrible date for fans who waited months for their possible new favorite movie, but got “stabbed” in […]


Bring back the core fans you have angered after you denied us Zack Snyders final vision by Stemot1978

For me, the wait for Justice League after the amazing “Batman v Superman” had been a long and difficult one. From seeing the early Comic-Con “Sizzle Reel” to the final trailers I had been hyped up beyond any other movie I had been previously. Along with many of my Twitter mutuals, this was the event […]


I believe there is a Zack Snyder cut of Justice League. by Chandler Balli

With 2013’s Man Of Steel and 2016’s Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice, The DCEU has accumulated a huge fan base. The fans loved Zack Snyder’s visually compelling way of storytelling, intense action scenes, and heartfelt character moments. Since it was announced in 2014 that Zack Snyder would also direct Justice League, fans were even […]


The Fountainhead of Zack Snyder’s ‘Justice League’by Jesabel 

“To sell your soul is the easiest thing in the world. That’s what everybody does every hour of his life. If I asked you to keep your soul – would you understand why that’s much harder?” – Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead It is beyond telling that one of the future projects that visionary filmmaker Zack […]


The Curious Case of Justice League by Claire MARCEL

January 2018. A New Year.  Two months passed since “Justice League”, Warner Bros’ superhero team-up was released in theatres. The hectic production of the movie resulted in depriving Zack Snyder, (the director of the film) from major artistic freedom as the studio executives curbed his vision by hiring Joss Whedon (“The Avengers”) to add his […]


Five Years Later, And You Still Missed The Point Of Sucker Punch by Donnia Harrington

To say I was obsessed with video games as a teenager would be an understatement. 2011 in particular was a really good year for me—Batman: Arkham City, L.A. Noire, Modern Warfare 3, Catherine…but my favorite one had to be Alice: Madness Returns. At the age of sixteen, I was quickly becoming aware of representation in […]