The DC Movie Universe is Worse Without Zack Snyder
For those who felt that Zack Snyder was always the problem, not simply for his tone, but his entire method of storytelling, Justice League seemed the perfect chance to prove it. Considering the reactions to Justice League‘s ‘Frankenstein-ed’ identity (and some woeful CG mishaps), the problem was never that simple. And for the fans demanding Snyder’s version of Justice League be released, the movie that was supposed to jumpstart DC using Snyder’s successes has crushed it into the dust.
But with Snyder’s “trilogy” finished, it’s finally possible to see what he really hoped to accomplish with his Justice League story, and how WB may have become their biggest enemy. It’s too late for Snyder to turn Aquaman into the next Wonder Woman, but given the decisions made by the studio, they may have misunderstood Snyder’s hopes for Justice League as deeply as comic fans, pundits, bloggers, and moviegoers did every step ……
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