Zack Snyder Hasn’t Seen Justice League
Zack Snyder has yet to see Justice League despite his sole director’s credit on the movie. Warner Bros. is in the earliest of stages of their worldwide launch of Justice League, the fifth film in their new DC universe. Following the backlash from Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (and less so with Man of Steel before), Snyder and his crew revamped Justice League to make it lighter and more fun as a response. These changes have helped a bit, but even still, the early reception to Justice League has been mixed, with some pointing to two different tones as one of the problems.
This critique comes from Snyder’s exit from Justice League earlier this year following the death of his daughter, and resulted in Joss Whedon taking over directing duties for reshoots. Whedon reportedly reshot 15-20% of the movie, meaning the final product is still largely Snyder’s footage and maintains his vision. He has not been involved with the project in any capacity since his departure, staying so far away that he actually hasn’t even seen the film.
A Vero user shared a screenshot of an exchange she had with Snyder on Imgur, where he admitted he has not seen Justice League. He doesn’t offer up a reason for why he has not seen the film, only stating that he wishes he had the chance to completely finish his DC trilogy.
I will be honest, I have not seen the film since I stepped away. You know I love these characters. I wish only I could only finish it for you and the others who love MOS, BvS.
Snyder may have sole directing credit on Justice League, but there really is no telling how close it stayed to his original cut. He clearly saw a version of the movie before he left as he was working on the initial edit, but the reshoots could have changed things dramatically. Plus, since he had no supervision over the final cut, entire sequences could’ve been re-edited, rearranged, or even……
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